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The Icon Bar: News and features: Amcog's latest game Star Mine reviewed

Amcog's latest game Star Mine reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:06, 10/12/2019 | ,
Amcog has become a great source of new games for RISC OS over the last few years, and the London Show saw the release of their latest offering - Star Mine. It should run on most RISC OS machines (I tested it on a Titanium). This is the first Amcog game to offer joystick support as well as using user-definable keys.

The game itself is a classic first person perspective arcade game, inspired by Tron and other classic space films (although I give away my age when I say I instantly think Blake's 7 with the space ship design). The objective is to fly through space, shooting the alien ships and asteroids to mine for jewels. It starts with an easy beginner level, and there is a Master level once you are ready to be stretched. There is lots of sound effects and music to add atmosphere.

The game itself is written in nicely documents BBC BASIC, so you can explore how it works.

Amcog continues to improve its games after releases and all updates are free. We are already on version 1.10
If you are looking for a fun, classic style arcade game to play on RISC OS, Star Mine is great fun to play and comes highly recommended.
You can find more details about Star Mine on the Amcog website along with a video of the game and more screenshots on the game page
We look forward to playing the next game from the Amcog!
The game was written by father and daughter team Anthony and Sophia who have both been interviewed by The Icon Bar.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Amcog's latest game Star Mine reviewed