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The Icon Bar: News and features: How fast is RPC-Emu?

How fast is RPC-Emu?

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:52, 7/8/2020 |
In 2016, we published 2 articles (Native versus emulation parts 1 and 2 using the benchmarks from Chris Hall comparison of RISC OS machines. He has lots of scores for other systems there.

Any benchmark comparison is going to be arbitrary and not necessarily going to reflect individual usage of a system. But it is a useful starting point if we accept its limits.
In 2016, I used a 2016 MacBook Pro running VirtualRPC. As I am now running a 2019 MacBook Pro and RPC-Emu under Linux (using Parallels), I thought it would be worth revisiting. I am running in 1920 x 1200 pixels as ARM6 in full screen mode.
Here are my initial scores from the first test. What are your thoughts? Have you run any tests?
RISCOSmark 2.04 (30-Dec-2015) by Richard Spencer 2003
Comparison with RiscPC SA 202MHz running RISC OS 4.02 800x600,256
(HD benchmarks are in kilobytes/sec)
MOS Utilities 5.24 (16 Apr 2018)
FileSwitch 2.86 (03 Sep 2017)
C Library 5.95 (14 Apr 2018)
FileCore 3.75 (06 Jul 2017)
Shared Sound 1.20 (18 Jun 2016)
LanManFS 2.61 (03 Jan 2018)
ShareFS 3.59 (11 Sep 2016) Access+
SharedUnixLibrary 1.14 (05 Sep 2015) (C) UnixLib Developers, 2001-2015
HAL-based system (PCF8583 real-time clock) tested at Mon,08 Jun 2020.15:14:25
Filing system: HostFS:HostFS.$.mac.Downloads.ROMark4
Graphics Resoloution: 1920x1200, 32K colours
Test Benchmark
Processor - Looped instructions (cache) 1739291 977%
Memory - Multiple register transfer 30302 18704%
Rectangle Copy - Graphics acceleration test 3931 1624%
Icon Plotting - 16 colour sprite with mask 7652 382%
Draw Path - Stroke narrow line 4652 298%
Draw Fill - Plot filled shape 5756 394%
HD Read - Block load 8MB file 2692815 90302%
HD Write - Block save 8MB file 2060166 67746%
FS Read - Byte stream file in 139 67%
FS Write - Byte stream file out 132 68%
  How fast is RPC-Emu?
  flibble (07:03 8/8/2020)
  Bucksboy (17:33 8/8/2020)
    markee174 (07:30 10/8/2020)
    markee174 (07:30 10/8/2020)
      CJE (11:24 10/8/2020)
        flibble (09:51 14/8/2020)
          markee174 (17:33 15/8/2020)
            flibble (23:47 16/8/2020)
  helpful (18:46 9/8/2020)
Peter Howkins Message #124919, posted by flibble at 07:03, 8/8/2020

Posts: 891
Faster than an irate sloth, slower than a barreling satellite.
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George Greenfield Message #124920, posted by Bucksboy at 17:33, 8/8/2020, in reply to message #124919
Posts: 91
That’s pretty impressive, both in terms of Chris Hall’s VRPC benchmarks and those of (for instance) the ARMX-6 - same basic (processor) speed with much faster memory and disc access. I use RPCEmu regularly and find it very stable; the main downside compared with native hardware is the restricted RAM.

[Edited by Bucksboy at 17:43, 8/8/2020]
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Bryan Hogan Message #124921, posted by helpful at 18:46, 9/8/2020, in reply to message #124919
Posts: 252
Faster than an irate sloth, slower than a barreling satellite.
Faster than an Iyonix launched from a trebuchet?
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Mark Stephens Message #124922, posted by markee174 at 07:30, 10/8/2020, in reply to message #124920
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 146
I find the main downside the last of sharefs
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Mark Stephens Message #124923, posted by markee174 at 07:30, 10/8/2020, in reply to message #124920
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 146
I find the main downside the last of sharefs
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Chris Evans Message #124924, posted by CJE at 11:24, 10/8/2020, in reply to message #124923
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
I use ShareFS many times throughout the day. I know I can get round it (LanMan98 springs to mind) but the extra hassle rules out RPC-Emu for me. Any signs of it being implemented soon?

n.b. does two 'last's = one loss?
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Peter Howkins Message #124927, posted by flibble at 09:51, 14/8/2020, in reply to message #124924

Posts: 891
I find the main downside the last of sharefs
Any signs of it being implemented soon?
If it happens it'll happen when it happens. However rpcemu is an open project, so if you like to see it sooner than 'whenever' feel free to contribute.
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Mark Stephens Message #124928, posted by markee174 at 17:33, 15/8/2020, in reply to message #124927
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 146
Is there any bounty schema so that people who want to contribute but lack the technical knowledge can hep fund it?
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Peter Howkins Message #124929, posted by flibble at 23:47, 16/8/2020, in reply to message #124928

Posts: 891
Is there any bounty schema so that people who want to contribute but lack the technical knowledge can hep fund it?
Lol, no. I don't think that'd help here.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: How fast is RPC-Emu?