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The Icon Bar: News and features: Organizer 2.30 reviewed

Organizer 2.30 reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:04, 17/8/2023 |
A surprise of the Wakefield show was the release of a new version of Organizer (2.30), which fixes some bugs and adds a nice, new feature. This is a paid upgrade.

The new feature of this release is a new option to assign Diary entries to a colour-coded Event option. This allows you to assign events to a named category.

Previously you could do something similar by manually choosing colours (I use green for personal, blue for work and red for TIB articles) but this was not ideal. Now I can assign to an event.

At the moment this feature is quite fiddly as it has to be edited in the events text file. I managed to corrupt this on one attempt so backup first!

Potentially this could lead to some really neat features if users could sort on category (ie only show or export work-related events). So I am quite excited by this feature!
I have always found the developers very responsive, so let them know what you think of this new feature and your ideas on how it could be futher developed.
Organizer website
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Organizer 2.30 reviewed