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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISCOS Ltd. hiring again

RISCOS Ltd. hiring again

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 23:47, 28/9/2000 | ,
Paul Middleton has sent us details of a new job at RISCOS Ltd. which would appear to show that serious work to improve our favourite OS will once again be taking place.

The job, Technical Co-ordinator/Senior Software Engineer, calls for someone who not only has good C and Assembler skills, but also "co-ordinating software contractors working for RISCOS Ltd and controlling access to RISC OS sources by contractors working for Hardware Partners".

The job will be at a new office RISCOS Ltd are opening in Cambridge, and if you're already working hard on something else there's mention of being "released for a maximum of 1.5 days per week in order to complete other work".

All of which must surely show at least the beginnings of a resurgance in the company's commitment to RISC OS's future after the "loss" of previous programmers.

  RISCOS Ltd. hiring again
  (15:08 29/9/2000)
  Steve knutson (20:30 3/10/2000)
Jon Hall Message #88097, posted at 15:08, 29/9/2000
Unregistered user Annual report now available as a pdf doc on Cybervillage site
  ^[ Log in to reply ]
Steve knutson Message #88098, posted at 20:30, 3/10/2000, in reply to message #88097
Unregistered user The Annual Report is only 9 Months late making it to the web :-)

Look at the sales and news stuff, it is all January 2000 :-(.
  ^[ Log in to reply ]

The Icon Bar: News and features: RISCOS Ltd. hiring again