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The Icon Bar: News and features: ROOL updates DDE to release 30

ROOL updates DDE to release 30

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:34, 10/11/2020 | ,
Good tools are critical to the continued development and success of RISC OS, so it is really good to see ROOL continuing to improve their toolchain. DDE30 is the latest release from ROOL.
The headline features are :-
  • a better BBC BASIC compiler (very nice to see it continue to be developed) with support for more recent changes to the language.
  • Support for the latest C18 version of the language in the C Compiler.
  • The documentation has been updated and there are the usual bug fixes.
There are updates for existing users (and I was very pleased to find I qualified for a free upgrade).
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The Icon Bar: News and features: ROOL updates DDE to release 30