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The Icon Bar: News and features: Castle announce Very Big LCD

Castle announce Very Big LCD

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 18:23, 29/4/2003 | , , ,
Iyonix ScreenCastle have just released details of some the top-of-the-range Iiyama displays for use on the Iyonix.

The Iiyama AU5311DBK is 20.8" LCD (roughly equivalent to a 22" CRT monitor) and is capable of 2048x1536 in 16 million colours. The asking price is an equally meaty £3179 - but that's vat and delivery included. Maybe out of the range of most people's pockets, but if you're going to buy a top-end RISC OS machine for TV work or whatever then you're going to want a decent display to go with it.

If you're a bit strapped for cash however, Castle are also offering the Iiyama Vision Master Pro514, a flat 22" DiamondTron CRT monitor also capable of 2048x1536xC16m. A snip at a mere £519 inc vat and delivery.

Source: Castle

  Castle announce Very Big LCD
  ad (19:01 29/4/2003)
  philipnet (19:12 29/4/2003)
    CTL (19:43 29/4/2003)
      JohnnyBoy (20:56 29/4/2003)
        goat (21:13 29/4/2003)
          SparkY (22:08 29/4/2003)
            rich (09:49 30/4/2003)
              [mentat] (10:28 30/4/2003)
                andrew (11:23 30/4/2003)
                  flibble (11:38 30/4/2003)
                    andypoole (12:36 30/4/2003)
                      Horse (12:54 30/4/2003)
                        andrew (13:35 30/4/2003)
                          epistaxsis (19:00 2/5/2003)
                            Matthew (12:38 3/5/2003)
                              flibble (20:13 6/5/2003)
Andrew Duffell Message #92071, posted by ad at 19:01, 29/4/2003

Posts: 3262
Yay! We got this one before drobe :)

Is it £3179 for just the monitor? or for the Iyonix too?

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philipnet Message #92072, posted at 19:12, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #92071
Unregistered user You should be able to get a couple of Iyonix-es complete with monitors for £3179!
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CTL Message #92073, posted at 19:43, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #92072
Unregistered user We are now pleased to announce the availability of a new Logitech mouse, for use with Iyonix!

Come on guys, how is this news? Are you going to make a new posting every time a dealer adds a product that they just buy in and sell out straight to their catalogue?

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JohnnyBoy Message #92074, posted at 20:56, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #92073
Unregistered user Or you could go to, say, new-monitors.co.uk and get the same thing for a couple of hundred quid cheaper (2964.97).

On the plus side, the AQ5311DBK (which seems to be the same monitor but of course you can't check this easily because the Iiyama website is in a whole new class of bad website design) is more expensive at dabs.co.uk.

So that's a RISC OS dealer undercutting a more mainstream retailer... That might be why this is worthy of a news item...

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goat Message #92075, posted at 21:13, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #92074
Unregistered user hot news! Apple released a 23" Cinema display LCD. Higher res, cheaper! Oh, look. it's been out for ages.
big news.
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Gavin Smith Message #92076, posted by SparkY at 22:08, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #92075
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
Posts: 697
Apple's is not higher res, go check the Apple site. It's true to say it's a fair whack cheaper though. Still nice to see Castle pushing high end stuff.
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Richard Goodwin Message #92077, posted by rich at 09:49, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92076
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
I think the availability of 22" screens is pretty cool, so I posted it. Come on, 2048x1536xc16m - I certainly haven't seen that before under RISC OS. But then, I tend to stick to around 1024x768 for all my machines ;)
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #92078, posted by [mentat] at 10:28, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92077
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
... 22" LCD FLAT screens ...

Very cool. B)

A worthy newsish snippet for what is clearly the coolest RISC OS site around ;)

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Andrew Message #92079, posted by andrew at 11:23, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92078
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
I think I'll have me 5 of those.

You're dreaming buddy.


Time to go home!

It's time to do what!?

Go home!

But I don't want to go home! I've come all the way from Framlingham - what am I supposed to do? Get on the back of a horse and ride all the way back?

Yeah and don't fall off!

The hell you say!

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flibble Message #92080, posted at 11:38, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92079
Unregistered user Hm, I have a 93" screen connected to my PC, for an awful lot less that 3179 ukp (only 1024x768 though)
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Andrew Poole Message #92081, posted by andypoole at 12:36, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92080
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558

I have one of those at home too :D

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Horse Message #92082, posted at 12:54, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92081
Unregistered user You'll do no such thing, "andrew". Liberation for my oppressed horse brothers and sisters!
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Andrew Message #92083, posted by andrew at 13:35, 30/4/2003, in reply to message #92082
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Oh my God, now the humanisation of horses - what next fish? Oh that's happened already ;-)
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keith dunlop Message #92084, posted by epistaxsis at 19:00, 2/5/2003, in reply to message #92083

Posts: 159
Hmmm like this is a big deal...

the problem is that we don't have very good graphics...

I run RISC OS at 2048x1535 thanks to the magic of viewfinder - and it looks good!

However (apart from speed increases) iyonix can do no better.

Windows is unusable at 1600x1200 on a 20" (viewable) monitor and linux/MacOS (wot difference these days) is just as bad.

& let us not forget that this LCD monitor is not the top. There is another 24" that has even highter res's.

But it needs an AGP card (digital input only - which for a LCD is the best way) which is restrictive.

Omega & Iyonix = improvement

but there are still issues....

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Matthew Somerville Message #92085, posted by Matthew at 12:38, 3/5/2003, in reply to message #92084

Posts: 520
Windows is unusable at 1600x1200 on a 20" (viewable) monitor

Strange, it's fine here on a 15.1" LCD.

And I might be being thick, but what's the 93" screen, referred to above?

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flibble Message #92086, posted at 20:13, 6/5/2003, in reply to message #92085
Unregistered user Matthew: A barco 800 data 3 gun CRT Projector, the screen *is* flat ... but the projector is a Metre deep and 2.5ish metres from the screen and it's heavier than a very heavy thing (90kg).


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The Icon Bar: News and features: Castle announce Very Big LCD