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The Icon Bar: News and features: New Castle machine

New Castle machine

Posted by Andrew Poole on 08:42, 17/10/2002 | , , , , , ,
Castle Technology are strongly suggesting that all RISC OS enthusiasts visit their website, or more specifically visit http://www.iyonix.com for what they call the most exciting news since 1994 when Acorn announced the RiscPC. The website requires Flash to view the pretty animation though.

The website says that the new machine has RISC OS 5 (yes 5), 32 bit, X-Scale, DDR memory, 66 Mhz PCI, PCI Graphics, Hi Speed Podules and UDMA100 Hard Drive.

They say to make a point of visiting the South East Show on 2 November where they will have one of these machines on display.

Sounds promising.

  New Castle machine
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Marco Frissen Message #91299, posted by mfrissen at 09:10, 17/10/2002

Posts: 173
Well, it has been quiet recently on the Castle front, it was to be expected that they were up to something..
Intruiging... and good news.. more makers, more choices, happier users.. But.. RISC OS 5??? and PCI graphics (not AGP??), strange in combination with DDR memory.. otoh, they still have podules..
Anyone who goes to SE.. take pictures!
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keith dunlop Message #91300, posted by epistaxsis@work:( at 09:39, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91299
Posts: 7
Its not the first of april is it? ;-)

weird spec though. Why PCI graphics? Why DDR memory? Oh and 32bit meaning most RISC OS software wont run...


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Mark Quint Message #91301, posted by ToiletDuck at 09:43, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91300
Ooh ducky!Quack Quack
Posts: 1016
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
/me wants :(
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Richard Goodwin Message #91302, posted by rich at 10:10, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91301
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
It's the real deal - it's been under tight NDA for a while. Paul Vigay's got a developer model on order which is being delivered to the office, and I just happen to carry a camera in my work bag... ;)
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Ben H Message #91303, posted by bmsh at 10:19, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91302
Posts: 33
Two questions: is RISC OS 5 anything to do with RISCOS Ltd, and what am I going to do about my Omega deposit...?
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Peter Naulls Message #91304, posted by pnaulls at 10:24, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91303
Posts: 317
You're obviously going to ask for your deposit back, aren't you? If only to show your disdain for their now obvious propoganda about a 32-bit RISC OS :-)
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Richard Goodwin Message #91305, posted by rich at 10:39, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91304
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
I think RISC OS 5 is Pace's upgrade to RISC OS 4 (3.8?) and nothing to do with ROL. It could be a bit of a problem as programmers now have two new versions of RISC OS to support - Select and RO5 - but then everyone writes good code so they're backwardly compatible with lots of other versions already don't they? ;)

Seriously though, 32bit software should be able to run on RISC OS 4, and a 32bit RISC OS - and so access to faster processors - is what we've been crying out for. Despite the grief Jack's given me recently (network card still not working...) I think it's a yay for Castle for bringing us 32bit RISC OS and a boo for ROL for not only not doing it, but FUDing people so they'd stop asking why.

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Mark Quint Message #91306, posted by ToiletDuck at 10:40, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91305
Ooh ducky!Quack Quack
Posts: 1016
looks like you're going to have to wait 1 and a half months to ask at least one of those questions :(
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Peter Naulls Message #91307, posted by pnaulls at 10:48, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91306
Posts: 317
No, ROL have been quiet clear on their stance
towards 32-bit (lack of funding), and it remains entirely correct in light of Castle's activities. I
don't see a single bit of evidence that suggests FUD from ROL in this matter, except that dreamed up by irate users.

The only company guilty of FUD wrt 32-bit is MicroDigital.

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Richard Goodwin Message #91308, posted by rich at 10:49, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91307
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Yeah, you're probably right, which is why I keep clear of the newsgroups these days.
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Peter Naulls Message #91309, posted by pnaulls at 10:51, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91308
Posts: 317

I'm doing a write up on 32-bit stuff today, as there's
understandable quite a bit of confusion on the issue.
Should make things a whole lot clearer.

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Marco Frissen Message #91310, posted by mfrissen at 11:07, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91309

Posts: 173
I just hope, *really* hope that something real will show up *soon* instead of promises and vague 'developer releases' etc.. be it the Omega, laptop or iyonix.. People have waited enough, I guess, there should be new systems available before the end of the year.
A good point on Castles site is that they will *not* accept any orders before the thing is there.. no deposits, nada.. why does that make me feel more comfortable something will actually show up?
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Peter Naulls Message #91311, posted by pnaulls at 11:18, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91310
Posts: 317
Well, apart from the desposit issue - remember Kinetic? No one knew about that until its release at a show. Yes, Iyonix has been announced before its
release, but it's a bigger deal, and it has compete with Omega. I would suggest that given Castle's track record, pricing and availability will become quite clear at the show in 2 weeks.

I'm sure their stand will once again be packed :-)

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James Walkerdine Message #91312, posted by walkerdi at 11:29, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91311
Posts: 4
I only hope that these systems are compatible. To have the situation where software will work on one machine but not the other could be very serious.
Likewise, we don't want to have the situation where two companies are producing two different operating systems.
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keith dunlop Message #91313, posted by epistaxsis@work:( at 12:44, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91312
Posts: 7
Lets hope the 2 RISC OS's will be compatible otherwise this is going to kill us.

Roll on the 20th...

TIB new poll - who's going to win the punch up?

12 rounds with Mr. Holden in one corner and Mr. Lillingstone in the other...


Still wish that we had *some* co-operation between all the manufacturers & ROL...

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keith dunlop Message #91314, posted by epistaxsis@work:( at 12:55, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91313
Posts: 7
Ooops date should be 02/11 - ahem!

I have had a TERRIBLE thought - 32bit means !Oregano or one of chox's.

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John D Message #91315, posted by john at 12:59, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91314
Posts: 261
Looks good.

Good to see the old habits are still kicking in, assumptions, damn speculation and statistics (or whatever it is!)

I wonder how much it will cost :)

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Richard Goodwin Message #91316, posted by rich at 13:12, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91315
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
I have had a TERRIBLE thought - 32bit means !Oregano or one of chox's
And this would be bad because...? Oregano's a pretty good browser, and v2 should improve on that. Who markets Oregano? Castle. You'd have to presume that they'd somehow take these things in to account...

As for other browsers: Fresco - well, I can't keep it loaded for more than five minutes; WebsterXL seems to be mainly in BASIC so shouldn't be affected at all; Browse is a little bit out of date; and ArcWeb is a lot out of date. And any browser yet to come can take RO5 into account.

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Richard Goodwin Message #91317, posted by rich at 13:16, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91316
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Good to see the old habits are still kicking in, assumptions, damn speculation and statistics (or whatever it is!)
Lies, damned lies and statistics? :)
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Richard Goodwin Message #91318, posted by rich at 14:39, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91317
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Someone (who may or may not have the initials PV) pointed this out as an amusingly ironic bit of lunchtime fun (we eat late here):


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John Hoare Message #91319, posted by moss at 16:07, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91318

Posts: 9348
Must try to get my deposit back - not neccesarily so I can buy an Iyonix, but so I can make an informed choice...

It's a pity the website uses Flash; but hopefully the proper website won't. :-)

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Jeffrey Lee Message #91320, posted by Phlamethrower at 17:08, 17/10/2002, in reply to message #91319
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Well, erm, yes. That's an interesting development :o
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Gunnlaugur Jonsson Message #91321, posted by Gulli at 16:29, 18/10/2002, in reply to message #91320
Posts: 138
This just had to happen! Castle have been strangely quiet on the hardware front for too long (Kinetic seemed to me not to offer enough).

The OS? version 5 - now this is going to be interesting to see. Is RISC OS going to split up in two? That's not exactly what a small market of just 4.000 needs is it?

Still interesting development

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Jeffrey Lee Message #91322, posted by Phlamethrower at 17:02, 18/10/2002, in reply to message #91321
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I hope you meant a small market of four thousand and not four there ;)

That does seem the big question at the moment though...

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Gunnlaugur Jonsson Message #91323, posted by Gulli at 19:20, 18/10/2002, in reply to message #91322
Posts: 138
haha - sorry, just can't seem to remember it's 4,000 in English and 4.000 in any other language that I know :)

Four point ough is usually four comma ough to me.

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Stuart Tyrrell Message #91324, posted by stdevel at 19:50, 19/10/2002, in reply to message #91323
Posts: 279
Talking of numbers:
Searches on google 17/10-19/10 (according to adwords hits - I can't remember what time on 17th I added "Iyonix").

"RISC OS" : 325
"Iyonix" : 228
"Risc PC" : 34
"RiscPC": 22
+"acorn" +"computer" : 20
+"castle" +"tungsten" : 4
"iconbar" : 1 ;-)

In fact on the 18th, "RISC OS" - and don't forget that includes people looking for MIPS operating systems - had 125 hits, and "Iyonix" got 122.

Looks like people are quite desperate for more info ;-)

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John Hoare Message #91325, posted by moss at 18:32, 20/10/2002, in reply to message #91324

Posts: 9348
Microdigital's reaction: http://www.microdigital.co.uk/newsdesk/october02/satu19.htm
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Stuart Tyrrell Message #91326, posted by stdevel at 18:43, 20/10/2002, in reply to message #91325
Posts: 279
MD's pictures obviously taken using the priceless Omega serial number 00000001. Judging from the criss-cross on the photos it had to be kept behind a double-thickness of wire-reinforced glass ;-)
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Andrew Poole Message #91327, posted by andypoole at 13:55, 21/10/2002, in reply to message #91326
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Does anyone want to explain to me, because I am completly lost on this matter, what the motorbike has to do with the Omega or indeed RISC OS?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #91328, posted by Phlamethrower at 15:02, 21/10/2002, in reply to message #91327
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I think it's their way of buying extra time while they run round like headless chickens, wondering what to make of Iyonix ;)
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The Icon Bar: News and features: New Castle machine