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New RISC OS, new markets.

Posted by Andrew Harmsworth on 01:00, 10/8/2000 | , , , , , , ,
Far out, in the only recently charted backwaters of the south-eastern tip of Australia lies a small, unregarded grey creature sitting on a RiscStationInfo. This Possum shares a distant ancestor with the ape-like beings who designed the computer on the other side of the globe. This is his story.
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Rich's Top 3 E-Commerce Sites

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 00:00, 13/3/2000 | , ,
Now that RISC OS browsers finally have decent SSL capabilities, a lot of people are looking at which websites work well using these browsers. The following sites are a personal list of online shopping websites that I use all the time; they've been visited using Fresco with the 128bit SSL module, and I've bought goods from them at least once using RISC OS.
You can add comments to the bottom of this page, but if you want to submit your own favourite sites including a short exmplaination as to why you shop at those sites, what they sell etc. then please email us!
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