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The Icon Bar: News and features: UDMA100 for the Iyonix

UDMA100 for the Iyonix

Posted by Tim Fountain on 13:13, 26/4/2003 | , , ,
Castle Technology yesterday issued a press release announcing a free UDMA upgrade for Iyonix computers. UDMA is Ultra Direct Memory Access, and allows much faster hard disc reads. This will result in increased performance (about 22 times faster than a standard Risc PC) for any computer use involving disc access, from booting up to opening a saved image in Paint.

All existing Iyonix users will be sent a free upgrade pack over the next few weeks, and all of the new machines will be shipped with UDMA support. The Iyonix machines at Wakefield will be running the upgrade so show visitors will be able to test the performance increase for themselves.

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The Icon Bar: News and features: UDMA100 for the Iyonix